No, Michigan is not a roll-up state, which means that Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage will remain the same if you don’t take action. It is important that if you are considering to increase your bodily injury, that you consider matching your other liability coverages, especially uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Some companies also offer …
What medical option should I choose?
It’s important to know which option you are eligible to select. Unlimited coverage has stayed the same as it was with No-Fault and is the best coverage available. Other options may offer savings and work with your current Qualified Health Care Provider (QHC), Medicare, and Medicaid. Contact the Schuberg Insurance Agency for additional information.
Will I need to provide documentation about my medical provider?
The Answer is “YES”. If eligible for a Qualified Health Care Provider (QHC), you may need to provide a letter from your provider at each renewal. Medicaid is eligible for a $50,000 coverage option, and Medicare Parts A & B are eligible for a “No Coverage” option. The insurance provider will need a copy of …
Is mini-tort coverage increasing?
Yes, it is increasing from $1000 to $3000.
Household vs. Domicile…What is the difference?
No-Fault used household members to determine who was eligible for coverage. A person can have many households. Such as a college student away from home and living on campus all year round. You can only have one Domicile. This is very important. Back to the college kids away at school. If they are living full …