
Why shouldn’t I just let my policy cancel?

This question usually comes up with auto policies but it is also true for home policies. In the state of Michigan you are required to maintain automobile insurance. What frequently happens is an individual’s car becomes mechanically inoperable. They figure there is no sense in paying the insurance on a “dead horse”, no pun intended. …

How is my premium determined?

Whether you carry auto, boat, or a home insurance policy, your premium is determined generally the same. Of course, each insurance company is different, but generally speaking, your premium is based on several factors, some of which we’ve listed below. Policy form- Is this a bare bones policy or one with all the bells and …

What is PLPD (Michigan No Fault/ Liability)?

PLPD is an acronym for Public Liability and Property Damage. This term was common to Michigan insurance for many years up to 1971 when the Essential Insurance Act was passed. Believe it or not, their term PLPD has been out of date for over 30 years. However the term still lives on. Commonly this term …

How often should I review my insurance?

You should review your insurance on an annual basis. What we mean by review is you should read through the declaration page of the policy to confirm that the items you want to insure are listed on the policy. The declaration page is the page showing coverage amounts and premiums. When we tell our policyholders …

What is a deductible and how does it work?

A deductible is the amount of a claim you have chosen to be responsible for. This means that if you had a $750 house claim and you have a $250 deductible, when you receive your claim check from the company it will be for $500 as they have deducted $250 for your deductible. Depending on …